Html In Visual Studio 2019

Productivity tools for the HTML editor


  • Image hover preview
  • Go to definition of classes and IDs
  • Peek definition
  • Meta tag Intellisense
  • Dynamic Intellisense
  • Find all references
  • Light bulbs
  • Validation

Image hover preview

Go to definition

Hit F12 when the cursor is located inside a class or ID attribute.HTML Tools will jump to the location inside CSS, LESS and Sass files.

Peek definition

Hit Alt+F12 when the curser is located inside a class or ID attribute.A peek definition inline code window will appear showing the definitionof the class/ID from CSS, LESS and Sass files.

Meta tags

Full Intellisense provided for:

  • Apple iOS
  • Twitter Cards
  • Facebook/OpenGraph
  • Windows 8
  • Internet Explorer 9+
  • Viewport

Dynamic Intellisense

Dynamic Intellisense is where Intellisense is based on other tags and attributes etc.

Find all references

Hit Shift+F12 when the cursor is located inside a class attribute.HTML Tools will search all CSS, LESS and SASS files for theclass name.

Light bulbs

Light bulbs are added for variuos scenarios including:

  • Base64 decoding of images
  • Extract JavaScript to file
  • Remove parent tags
  • Extract Stylesheets to file


OpenGraph prefix

When working with Facebook/OpenGraph integration, we need toremember to add the prefix attribute to the <head> element.


Validates that the itemtype attribute is a valid absolute URL.


Validates that the type attribute has the value image/svg



In this 10-minute quickstart, you'll learn how to create and run a web performance and load test project in Visual Studio. Load tests execute web performance or unit tests to simulate many users accessing a server at the same time.


Use Git as the default version control experience in Visual Studio 2019 or Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) for centralized version control right out of the box. From the new Git menu, you can clone, create, or open your own repositories. Open Visual Studio. Choose File New Project from the menu bar. The New Project dialog box opens. In the New Project dialog box, expand Installed and Visual C#, and then select the Test category. Choose the Web Performance and Load Test Project template. Enter a name for the project if you don't want to use the default name, and then choose OK. HTML Tools will jump to the location inside CSS, LESS and Sass files. Peek definition. Hit Alt+F12 when the curser is located inside a class or ID attribute. A peek definition inline code window will appear showing the definition of the class/ID from CSS, LESS and Sass files. Full Intellisense provided for: Apple iOS; Twitter Cards.

Web Essentials extends Visual Studio with a lot of new features that web developers have been missing for many years. If you ever write CSS, HTML, JavaScript, TypeScript, CoffeeScript or LESS, then you will find many useful features that make your life as a developer easier. This is for all Web developers using Visual Studio.

Web performance and load test functionality is deprecated. Visual Studio 2019 is the last version where web performance and load testing will be available. For more information, see the Cloud-based load testing service end of life blog post.

Software requirements

Web performance and load test projects are only available in the Enterprise edition of Visual Studio.

Install the load testing component

If you don't already have the web performance and load testing tools component installed, you'll need to install it through the Visual Studio Installer.

  1. Open Visual Studio Installer from the Start menu of Windows. You can also access it in Visual Studio from the new project dialog box or by choosing Tools > Get Tools and Features from the menu bar.

  2. In Visual Studio Installer, choose the Individual components tab, and scroll down to the Debugging and testing section. Select Web performance and load testing tools.

  3. Choose the Modify button.

    The web performance and load testing tools component is installed.

Using Visual Studio For Html

Create a load test project


In this section, we'll create a C# load test project. You can also create a Visual Basic load test project, if you prefer.

  1. Open Visual Studio.

  2. Update my os mac. Choose File > New > Project from the menu bar.

    The New Project dialog box opens.

  3. In the New Project dialog box, expand Installed and Visual C#, and then select the Test category. Choose the Web Performance and Load Test Project template.

  4. Enter a name for the project if you don't want to use the default name, and then choose OK.

  1. Open Visual Studio.

  2. On the start window, choose Create a new project.

  3. On the Create a new project page, type web test into the search box, and then select the Web Performance and Load Test Project [Deprecated] template for C#. Choose Next.

  4. Enter a name for the project if you don't want to use the default name, and then choose Create.

Visual Studio creates the project and displays the files in Solution Explorer. The project initially contains one web test file named WebTest1.webtest.

Add a load test to the project

  1. From the right-click menu, or context menu, of the project node in Solution Explorer, choose Add > Load Test.

    The New Load Test Wizard opens.

  2. Select the On-premises Load Test option, and then choose Next. You can learn more about cloud-based load testing here.

  3. Choose Next to step through the wizard until you reach the Add tests to a load test scenario and edit the test mix page. Choose the Add button.

    The Add Tests dialog box opens.

  4. Under Available tests, select WebTest1, and then choose the right arrow to move it over to the Selected tests box. Choose the OK button.

  5. Back in the New Load Test Wizard, choose the Finish button.

    The load test is added to the project, and the load test file opens in the editor window.

Run the load test

We've created a load test that doesn't do very much, but let's run it anyway.

Run Html Page In Visual Studio 2019


From the right-click menu, or context menu, of the load test that's open in the editor, choose Run Load Test.

The load test starts running. The Test Results window shows that the test is in progress, and the load test analyzer is displayed in the editor window. After the test completes, which should be five minutes if you accepted the defaults, a summary is shown in the editor. You can choose Graphs, Tables, or Detail to get different information about the results of the load test.


Next steps

Now that you've created a simple load test project, the next step is to configure scenarios, counter sets, and run settings.