Rspec Cheat Sheet
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Rspec Matchers Cheat Sheet
- RSpec is a mature, feature-packed testing framework, but the documentation can be difficult to navigate. The official documentation is written as a set of Cucumber tests within Relish. It’s very comprehensive, but also quite sparse, and Cucumber tests are kind of unnatural to read.
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- RSpec::Expectations Cheat Sheet Ruby. Describe 'Common, built-in expectation matchers' do example 'Equality' do expect.
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RSpec Cheat Sheet
#Basic Structure
feature accepts a string and is used to give an overview of the overall behavior. Parallels 13 keygen.
scenario accepts a string and outlines a particular scenario of the feature.
Identify common code and extract to methods (or use background). By moving as much Capybara interaction to well-named methods, intention becomes clear and the test becomes more about behavior than syntax.
Because RSpec acceptance tests are Ruby, modules can be included within RSpec to add methods. Extract methods which will be helpful in more than one feature.
JavaScript can be enabled at the feature or scenario level.
Rspec Expectations Cheat Sheet
```rubyfeature ‘Viewing comments’, js: true doend
Rspec Capybara Cheat Sheet
feature ‘Viewing comments’ do scenario ‘displays pertinent information’, js: true do endend